
  • 5.0
  • 2
  • kokuma
    / 2024年06月

    I was able to enjoy Okinawan cuisine in Tokyo.
    Sea grapes and Orion beer are delicious.
    A place where you can walk from Shinbashi.
    The restaurant staff are cheerful and provide the best service.
    I will use it again.

  • Haruna
    / 2024年06月

    We have a wide selection of awamori, Orion beer, Shikwasa and guava sours, and more. It was an all-you-can-drink menu for 2 hours, so we enjoyed a variety of things.

    I don't like bitter gourd, but the bitterness was low and the champuru flavor was strong, so I enjoyed it! The portions are large and fill you up.

    I was using a table, and the staff came right away when I called. Drinks are served quickly too. I was also impressed by how friendly the staff talked to me.