Area / Cuisine / Guests / Date
Yakiniku Horumon Center / 焼肉ホルモンセンター
[All-you-can-drink" all-you-can-eat beef tongue and all-you-can-eat Japanese black beef!5,485(JPY) -
Hakodateuni Murakami Nihonseimei SapporoBldg.-ten / 函館うに むらかみ 日本生命札幌ビル店
Sushi Okabayashi / 鮨 おか林
Omakase course with 8 pieces of sushi and a sashimi platter included.12,500(JPY) -
Guenpin Asakusa Fugu Unagi Kani Ryori / 玄品 浅草 ふぐ・うなぎ・かに料理
nana's green tea Lumine-Est Shinjuku-ten / nana's green tea ルミネエスト新宿店
Sushi Senzu Souhonten / 鮨仙酢 総本店
【JFG Exclusive】【Super Sample! ¥6500】Standard Course, 8 pieces of sushi.6,500(JPY) -
Azabu Sannohashi Takenami / 麻布三之橋 竹浪
Lunch course (sushi only) - 15 pieces of sushi15,400(JPY) -
Yokohama Golden Horumon / 横濱ゴールデンホルモン
Specialties! Enjoy fresh hormone and beef tongue in this "luxury" course!5,500(JPY) -
Bifuteck no Kawamura Premium Kitashinchi-ten / ビフテキのカワムラ Premium 北新地店
Special Japanese Black beef < Wagyu> 120g course (sirloin)16,630(JPY) -
Yakiniku no Watami Yokohama-ten / 焼肉の和民 横浜店
Hormone Yakiniku Rokubeko Otemon / ホルモン焼肉 六べこ 大手門
Meat Main Course 2/Today we eat meat! 20 dishes, 4,000 yen, reservation required by the day before4,000(JPY)